miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Javier had heard this saying and he took it seriously: after he parted ways from his job and a long-time relationship ended, he decided to make some lemonade. He had some money and had enough time to start working on his dream, and so he did.  

He had in mind a new idea of a hostel, which he would make out of a three ingredients recipe: the Japanese idea of capsule beds and the international willing of cheap travelling were the basis. After it, he added the most important ingredient: high comfort and privacy. So, the recipe was ready but needed more money to make it real and that was no small feat.

It’s not easy at all. When you explain it to someone, it sounds fun and effortless but it’s not. Behind raising a business like this one, there are doubts, complications, frustrations… You must want it real bad.

The project won the CETT University School of Tourism prize and Javier considers that was crucial. It gave him the push he needed to realize the project was worth it and that others liked it too.

After a long way through every bank, he decided to look for a partner to share this adventure with.
He finally ran into Carlos, a friend of his who also felt it was time for a change. Since then, they have been working together, side by side.

When 15th August 2012 they opened the first hostel, The Hostel Box – Port, they could believe the moment had arrived: they finally had their own business.

Everything was new and exciting. We were doing every single step for the first time: hiring someone, buying the furniture, getting the webpage ready...

But they were not alone; family, friends and friends of friends helped them at their best. The architect, the lawyer…, they were all friends, ready to give a hand.

Less than a year after the opening at The Hostel Box – Port, they opened The Hostel Box – Gaudí and now, a year after this second opening, they are about to open The Hostel Box – Diagonal. Each one a bit different but all following the same essence: creating a room in a room and thinking about the common area as a meeting point. And, the most important, it is affordable (so everybody can travel and discover Barcelona).

We see every day people from all over the world having dinner together; they share their stories and explain to the others their culture. Sometimes there is a person of each continent seating at the same table, and they all laugh about the same things!

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